음악 2201

[스크랩] Bill Douglas - Lake Isle Of Innisfree(이니스프리 湖島) / Jane Grimes

Lake Isle of Innisfree (이니스프리 湖島) Bill Douglas(Music) W.B.Yeats (Lyric)/Jane Grimes(Vocalist) [이니스프리 호수 섬]("The Lake Isle of Innisfree")-William Butler Yeats I will arise and go now, and go to Innisfree, And a small cabin build there of clay and wattles made Nine bean-rows will I have there, a hive for the honey-bee And live alone in the bee-loud glade. And I shall..

음악 2010.06.10

[스크랩] Edgar Degas(1834-1917) / 빛과 순간의 동세(動勢)를 사랑했던 `드가`

Edgar Degas French painter, draftsman, sculptor, printmaker, engraver, lithographer, pastellist & photographer born July 19 1834 - died September 27 1917 Dancers in Blue 1895 Musee d'Orsay (France) Painting - oil on canvas 인생의 사계절을 아프고도 뜨겁게 온몸으로 표현하는 기도의 사람이여 막이 열리면 작은 우주가 되는 무대 위에서 웃고, 울고, ..

음악 2010.06.07