
뉴욕의 모던한 레지던스 실내 인테리어 디자인 nyc residence

창포49 2011. 10. 13. 20:49






























































































































도시인의 취향인 자연미, 모던, 심플함이란 세가지 트렌드를 반영한 레지던스 아파트

메인컬러인 화이트콘과 나무와의 조화로운 디자인.

넓은 실내이니만큼 전반적으로 밝은 분위기를 한껏 살리고 있으며

공원이 내려다보이는 잇점을 인테리어에 잘 이용하고 있다.

헌데 욕실 천장에 있는 그림. 봉황과 호랑이가 구름위에서 어우러져있네요.

용도 아니고.. 뭔가 언발란스하긴한데 아무래도 주인의 취향인듯.

전체적으로 개운하고 깔끔합니다.





combining 3 smaller apartments into one at one of new york city's most coveted uptown addresses, we delivered a stunning new dwelling on the 61st floor of the metropolitan tower. every single room is constructed so that the postcard view of central park is the star. with a built-in wraparound sofa, a secret door in the solid walnut library and distributed surround sound all over the home, this project is an ode to the 80s during which the building was erected.

suited for a family of 4 with 2 children, the communal living spaces stands in between the master suite and the kids' rooms, hidden behind the aforementioned trap door in the library, thereby providing a buffer of sight and sound.

i might describe the final result as having a monastery + cowboy ranch + 80s vibe...
the kitchen and dining area is the only one wrapped in waxed concrete thereby giving it a theatrical feel, especially when seen from the rest of the apartment which is clad in bleached pine and subdued colors