
[스크랩] Díaz de la Peña (1808-1876) / 11월

창포49 2018. 11. 12. 12:51


더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다
Narcisse Virgilio
Díaz de la Peña
French painter of the Barbizon school
  born 25 August 1808 - died 18 November 1876

Forest of Fontainbleau, Autumn
Walters Art Museum - Baltimore
Painting - oil on panel

따스한 겨울을 기다리는
가난한 영혼의 소망이있습니다
안타깝게 바라보단 시간은
머언 곳 사랑을 데려왔습니다
둘이 맺어가는 길에
믿음 빛 사랑이 깔립니다
소망 하나 사랑 하나
둘은 하나되어
걷는 순간마다 빛납니다
오직 한몸으로
일자 두개 나란히
십일월은 고운 빛으로 가을을 나부낍니다
11월             . . . . . . . . . .              김광섭 (金珖燮, 1905-1977,대한민국, 시인)  

 A Woodland Scene
Narcisse Dìaz de la Peña
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Pool in the Forest
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston
Painting - oil on canvas

Bohemians Going to a Fête
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston
Painting - oil on canvas

Narcisse Dìaz de la Peña
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Autumn: The Woodland Pond
Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY
Painting - oil on canvas

In the Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Nymphs in the Woods
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

The Approaching Storm on the Coast Near Bolougne, France
Brighton and Hove Museums & Art Galleries
Painting - oil on canvas

Bas Breau in the Forest of Fontainebleau
The Cooper Gallery
Painting - oil on panel

The Bathers
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

The Bathers
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Boy with Four Spaniels, Fontainebleau Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Boy with His Dogs in a Wood
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Clearing in a Forest
The Courtauld Gallery - London
Painting - oil on panel

Clearing in the Forest
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston
Painting - oil on panel

Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Island of Love
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY
Painting - oil on canvas

Diana after the Hunt
Detroit Institute of the Arts
Painting - oil on canvas

The Edge of the Forest at Les Monts-Girard
National Gallery of Art - Washington DC
Painting - oil on canvas

Fête champêtre (Garden Party)
Amgueddfa Cymru - Cardiff
Painting - oil on canvas

A Figure and a Dog by a Pool in a Woodland Clearing
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

    First Temptations
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Fontainblelau Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

The Forest at Fontainebleau, France
Leeds Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

 Forest of Fontainbleau
Dallas Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas

Forest of Fontainebleau
Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco - Legion of Honor
Painting - oil on canvas

Forest of Fontainebleau
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Forest of Fontainebleau
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

The Forest of Fountainebleau
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Forest Scene
Detroit Institute of the Arts
Painting - oil on canvas

Forest with Wood Gatherer
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

In the Forest
National Gallery of Art - Washington DC
Painting - oil on panel

In the Forest of Fontainebleau
De Mesdag Collectie
Painting - oil on paper

Lament of Jephthah's Daughter
The State Hermitage Museum - St Petersburg
Painting - oil on panel

 Landscape with Cattle
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

L’éplorée (Tearful)
Musée du Louvre
Painting - oil on board

Four Nymphs in a Wood
Towneley Hall Art Gallery and Museum
Painting - oil on canvas

Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Storm in the Forest of Fontainbleau
Fitzwilliam Museum - University of Cambridge
Painting - oil on canvas

Story Telling
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Three Women
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston
Painting - oil on panel

A Vista through Trees: Fontainebleau
Metropolitan Museum of Art - New York, NY
Painting - oil on panel

Woman with Putti in a Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Wood Gatherer in a Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

A Woodland Clearing
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Woodland Scene
Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery
Painting - oil on canvas

A Wood Scene
Museums Sheffield
Painting - oil on canvas

Young Women Resting in a Forest Clearing
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston
Painting - oil on panel

Forest Interior
Private collection
Painting - oil on panel

Path through the Forest near Fontainebleau
Museum of Fine Arts - Boston
Painting - oil on panel

Young Women in the Woods
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Harmony of Morning Mist, Bill Douglas

디아스데라페냐 (Narcisse-Virgile Diaz de La Peña,1808.8.25-1876.11.18)

에스파냐계 프랑스의 화가. 보르도 출생.
초기에는 인물화를 주로 한 바토풍(風)의 아연화와 들라크루아풍의 낭만주의적 작품을 그렸으나,
점차 바르비종파에 접근하여 특이한 풍경화를 제작했다. 터치가 거칠고 두꺼운 파트(pate)로 그려진 화면으로
표현주의적인 화풍이라는 말도 듣는다.  그는 1831년 파리 살롱에서 'Scene of Love'로 데뷔했다. 
 숲속에 님프나 큐피드가 등장하는 환상적인 풍경화나 퐁텐블로의 숲을 많이 그렸다.
추상화에 가까운 작품도 남겼다. 1830 년대 중반부터 그는 퐁텐 블로 숲에 자주 머물렀고 테오도르 루소의 영향을 크게 받았다.
1823년에 그는 Jules-Louis Dupré와 같은 도자기 공장에서 일했으며 평생 친구가되었다.

더블클릭을 하시면 이미지를 수정할 수 있습니다

바르비종파 (Barbizon School) 
19세기 중엽 프랑스에서 활동한 풍경화가의 집단
명칭은 1830년경부터 그들이 살던 파리 교외의 퐁텐블로숲 어귀에 있는 작은 마을, 바르비종에서 유래되었다.
1830년파 또는 퐁텐블로파라고도 한다. 주요한 화가로는, '바르비종의 일곱 별'이라 불리는
J.밀레, T.루소, C.코로, J.뒤프레, 디아즈 게 라페냐, C.트루아용, 도비니 등이며 여기에 G.쿠르베, P.유에 등도 가끔 참가하였다.
자연에 대한 로맨틱한 감정과 서정적인 화취가 이 그룹의 특색이었다.
 바르비종은 국제적인 센터로서 미국에까지 알려져,
후에 인상파 화가들도 퐁텐블로숲을 근거지로 삼고 제작하였다. 웹글 옮김

 2018. 11. 12. Creamrose

출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
글쓴이 : 크림로즈 원글보기
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