* 가을을 연주하는 여인들 *
Anna Razumovskaya
Emerald / 40" x 60"
Harmony I / 30" x 40"
Harmony II / 30" x 40"
Red Note II / 36" x 48"
- Anna Razumovskaya -
Looking at Anna Razumovskaya's works you always getting
a feeling of artist sole tension behind the painting...
"romanticism" is the word to describe Anna's works...
interlacing of a quiet tones with the bright color impact
at the end is the trade mark of the artist...
abstract elements is the big aspect of every artwork and,
in a combination with the sensual dynamics,
creates an unforgettable experience for the viewer.
Artist Anna Razumovskaya: graduated from Russian State University
For Arts (high-class artist) in 1991.
From 1992 to 1995 studied art in Germany, Belgium, Holland.
Had personal exhibitions in New York, Paris, Toronto,
Amsterdam, Antwerp and Berlin.
There are many of Anna's works in private collections in the USA,
Canada, Austria, Holland, France and Australia.
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