
William Merritt Chase(1849-1916) / 내가 흐르는 강물에

창포49 2012. 7. 26. 10:24








William Merritt Chase

American Impressionist painter, portraitist, teacher & printmaker
born 1 November 1849 - died 1916 





Beach Scene - Morning at Canoe Place







구름은 하늘이 그 가슴에 피우는 장미
이왕에 내가 흐르는 江물에 구름으로 친들
그대 하나를 품어가지 못하랴

모든 걸 단번에 거는 도박사의 멋으로
삶의 의미 그 전부를 후회없이 맡기고 가는
하얀 목선(木船)이다

차가운 물살에 검은 머리 감아 빗으면
어디선지 울려오는 단풍나무의 음악

꿈이 진실이 되고 아주 가까이에 철철 뿜어나는
이름 모를 분수

옛날 같으면야 말만 들어도 사랑은 어지럼 병
지금은 모든 새벽에 미소로 인사하고
모든 밤에 침묵으로 기도한다
내쳐 내가 가는 뱃전에 노란 램프로 여긴들 족하리

이왕에 내가 흐르는 강물에
불빛으로 친들
바람으로 친들

그대 하나를 태워가지 못하랴



내가 흐르는 강물에           . . . . . .           김남조 








On the Lake, Central Park




Idle Hours  




The Fairy Tale (also known as A Summer Day)




Afternoon by the Sea (also known as Gravesend Bay)




Afternoon in the Park





Along the Path at Shinnecock




Arab Encampment (also known as Oriental Sketch)





At Canoe Place, Long Island




At the Seaside




At the Shore




Bank of a Lake in Central Park




The Bayberry Bush (also known as Chase Homestead: Shinnecock Hills))




The Beach at Palavas




The Beach at Zandvoort (also known as The Beach)





 A Bit of the Terrace (also known as Early Morning Stroll)




The Deserted Beach




Dutch Canal (also known as Canal Path Holland)





An Early Stroll in the Park




The East River  




Good Friends





 Gowanus Bay (also known as Misty Day, Gowanus Bay)




Gravesend Bay (also known as The Lower Bay)





An Italian Garden




Landscape, near Coney Island




Landscape, Shinnecock Hills




The Little Garden




The Lone Fisherman




A Long Island Lake




Long Island Landscape after a Shower of Rain




Near the Sea (also known as Shinnecock)




Ordering Lunch by the Seaside





The Park (also known as In Tompkins Park)




Park Bench (also known as An Idle Hour in the Park - Central Park)





 Portrait of Mrs. Chase






The Pot Hunter






Prospect Park, Brooklyn





Pulling for Shore




Reflections (also known as Canal Scene)




Repair Docks, Gowanus Pier








Seashore (also known as A Grey Day)




Shinnecock Hills (also known as A View of Shinnecock)




Shinnecock Hills, Peconic Bay




Shinnecock Landscape




Shinnecock Landscape




Shore Scene




A Sunny Afternoon, Shinnecock Hills 




Tompkins Park, Brooklyn




Women under Trellis (unfinished) 





A Summer Day




A Sunny Day at Shinnecock Bay




Near the Beach, Shinnecock




A Stormy Day, Bath Beach









 슈베르트, 물 위에서 노래함, Christa Ludwig












2012. 6. 23. Creamrose