
Metropolitan Museum of Art (3)

창포49 2012. 6. 24. 12:04



'음악 ' 카테고리의 다른 글








Camille Pissarro (1899)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





John Singer Sargent (1889)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





(also known as Two Girls on a Lawn)
John Singer Sargent (1889)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Camille Pissarro (1892)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





(also known as Mother and Daughter)
Paul Gauguin (1901-1902)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Claude Oscar Monet (1884)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Winslow Homer (1865)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Alfred Sisley (1876)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1870)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





(also known as La Mere Larcheveque)
Camille Pissarro (1880)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Frederick Childe Hassam (1909)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Thomas P. Anshutz (1879)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Allen Tucker (1907)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Frederick Childe Hassam (1892)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





(also known as Silhouette)
Edgar Degas (1873)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot (1869)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





(also known as sardela)
Edgar Degas (1865)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Frederick C. Frieseke (1911)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





John Singer Sargent (1899)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas





Mary Cassatt (1902)
Metropolitan Museum of Art
Painting - oil on canvas




23/06/2012    편집 /창포 






Marcus Stone(1840-1921) / 내가 너를 사랑하고 있는지는   (0) 2012.06.26
바람 부는 날 / A Breezy Day   (0) 2012.06.25
Elena Montull Gomez - 여인의 시간 , 여름   (0) 2012.06.23
베토벤 교향곡 제1번 C단조 / Herbert Blomstedt 外   (0) 2012.06.22
희망에 부쳐 / Street Art   (0) 2012.06.21