
[스크랩] 바람의 정원.../ Michael Kahn

창포49 2011. 1. 15. 11:19


                                                  꿈을 꾼다는 것은 꿈이 남아 있다는 것인가?



South Beach




                                                                            바람은 과연 어디서 불어왔던 것인가?







Pine Tree Island 

                                                          짙푸른 안개에 둘러싸인 중세의 숲속

                                                             비밀스런 정원으로 홀연히 사라진
                                                                바람의 자취를 따라 나무들 사이를 걸었다






                                                               맑은 피아노 선율같은 이슬방울이

                                                                  햇살에 섞여 잎새위에 반짝거리다가
                                                                     또르륵 한방울씩 발밑에 떨어지는데






Wild Rose

                                                               대지는 말없이 이슬을 품에 안아주었다 

                                                               나는 이슬처럼 안기고 싶었다







언제이던가 까마득한 우주를 향해




Headsails III


                                                                   내뱉어진 내 허기짐이었는지도 모를
                                                                   세상을 돌고 돌아 지구의 반대편까지






Swan Pond

                                                                긴 세월을 견디며 다시 찾아 왔을지 모를
                                                                바람을 그러나 사랑한다 말하지 못하였다









                                                                              누구에게나 바람은 불어오리라


 Dune Fence

                                                                            나는 바람의 정원에 다다르지 못하였다



                                                                   그러나 그것이 자신이 언젠가 무시해버린
                                                                    망각의 슬픈 언어인줄 알았더라면



American Beauty

                                                                                   덧없는 꿈을 꾸지는 않았으리라
                                                                                   죽을 때까지 다다를수 없는



Crashing through the Swells

                                                            나무는 흔들리지 않았으나 잎새들은
                                                            바람이 다가서자 체념한듯 길을 열어주었다



                                                       나무같은, 혹은 잎새같은 내안을 바람이 지나가고 
                                                       내 감성의 체온계는 아직 영하속인데







  Michael's sailing images have been collected in his second book titled

The Spirit of Sailing -- Courage Books, 2004. Michael's handmade

photographs are held in private and corporate collections worldwide,

including the Yacht Club de Monaco and the American embassy in Katmandu.

With his 1950's designed camera, Michael travels extensively to photograph

the world's finest boats and pristine seascapes.

He collects his images on traditional black and white film; then,

he produces his luminous silver gelatin photographs

in his darkroom using skills that he has refined over the years.

/traditional technique united with his distinctive

sense of form, composition, vision and technical mastery

has helped him to become one of the most collected

photographers of our time.







출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
글쓴이 : 예인스 원글보기
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