Ferdinand du Puigaudeau 페르디난드 두 피구두 French Impressionist painter
born in Nantes on 4 April 1864 and died in Croisic on 19 September 1930

Flower Garden at Kervaudu (1928) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
가을에는 사막에서 온 편지를 읽어라 가을에는 창을 통하여 새가 날으는 사막을 바라보라 가을에는 별들이 사막 속에 숨어 있다 가을에는 작은 등불을 들고 사막으로 걸어가 기도하라 굶주린 한 소년의 눈물을 생각하며 가을에는 홀로 사막으로 걸어가도 좋다 가을에는 산새가 낙엽의 운명을 생각하고 낙엽은 산새의 운명을 생각한다 가을에는 버릴 것을 다 버린 그런 사람이 무섭다 사막의 마지막 햇빛 속에서 오직 사랑으로 남아 있는 그런 사람이 더 무섭다
가을 편지 . . . . . . . . . . 정호승 ( 鄭浩承, 1950- , 대한민국, 시인)

Wheat Stack at Sunset Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

The Sun Setting Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Sailboats at Sunset (also known as Sun Setting on the Sea) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Farmyard (1907-1915) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Haystacks and Poppies Private collection

The Banks of the Loire, Basse Indre (1917) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

A Blue Evening over the Grande Briere Marsh (1925) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Aisle of Carnations in Kervaudu Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Banks of the Loire in Moonlight Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Banks of the Loire in Moonlight (1911) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Bourg-de-Batz, Brittany Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Breakers at Sunset (1910) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Breton Festival Private collection Painting - watercolor

Breton Girls with Chinese Lanterns (1896) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Breton Women with Lamps Private collection Painting - oil on copper

Carnival at Night (1895-1898) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Carnival at Night in Croisic (1895-1898) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Carousel at Night at the Fair (1895-1898) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Cart by the Path (1907-1915) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

A Cart by the Side of the Path Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Children on a Dune (1890) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Chinese Shadows, the Rabbit (1895) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Cottage in the Moonlight in Briere Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

The Fair at Pont-Aven (1895-1898) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

The Fair Festival Private collection

Field near Batz Private collection Painting - oil on panel

Field of Poppies and Umbels near Batz-sur-mer (1919) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Field of Poppies in Flower (1901) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Fig Tree at Kervaudu Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Fun Fair in Brittany (1900) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Fun Fair in Brittany (1900) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Le Croisic, Girls at the Foot of a Standing Stone Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Le Jardin de la maison en ruiné Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Le Pouldu, Woman Breast Feeding on a Dune Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Manege under the Moon Private collection

Old Fig Trees at Pénerf (1921) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Poppies Private collection Painting - oil on cardboard

Procession at Nenvic Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Reading Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

The Return of the Sailboat Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Salt Marsh near Croisic Private collection

Shrimp Fisherwoman (1891) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Spring around Croisic Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Sunset on the Brfiere (1924-1926) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Three Breton Girls Lighting their Candles before the Procession (1895) Private collection Painting - watercolor

The Wayside Cross at Rochefort-en-Terre (also known as Evening Service) (1894-1895) Musée de Morlaix Painting - oil on canvas

Landscape with Mill near the Salt Ponds (1902) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Fishermen on Foot at Sunset (1910) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Sailboats at Sea, Evening Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Fireworks over the Port Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Autumn, Ali Jahangard

2019. 10. 16. Crcamrose
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