Theo van Rysselberghe Belgian neo-impressionist painter 23 November 1862 - 14 December 1926
 The Promenade (also known as The Stroll, Women on the Beach) (1901) Musées Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique - Brussels Painting - oil on canvas
사랑이 그대를 손짓해 부르거든 그를 따르라 그와 함께 하는 길이 힘들고 가파르다 할지라도 사랑의 날개가 그대를 감싸 안거든 몸을 내맡기어라 날개 속에 숨어 있는 칼이 그대를 다치게 할지라도 사랑이 그대에게 말을 걸거든 그의 말을 믿으라 북풍이 정원을 황폐화시키듯 그의 목소리가 그대 꿈을 산산조각 낸다 하더라도 사랑은 그대에게 왕관을 씌우지만 그대를 십자가에 못 박기도 하는 것 사랑은 그대를 자라게도 하지만 그대의 가지를 잘라내기도 하는 것 사랑은 그대 꼭대기까지 올라가 햇빛에 떠는 그대 가장 여린 가지들을 어루만지지만 그대의 뿌리까지 내려가 대지에 달라붙은 그 뿌리를 흔들어대기도 하느니
사랑 (예언자 중에서) . . . . . . . 칼릴 지브란 ( Kahlil Gibran, 1883-1931, 레바논계 미국인 시인, 소설가)

The Family in an Orchard (also known as July before Noon) (1890) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on canvas
La Pointe du Rossignol (Cap Layet) (1905) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Olive Trees near Nice (also known as Oliviers aux environs de Nice) (1905) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Madame Edmond Picard in Her Box at Theatre de la Monnaie (1886) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Portrait of Irma Sethe (1894) Musée du Petit Palais - Geneva Painting - oil on canvas
East Wind (1904) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Bathers under the Pines by the Sea (1926) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Beach at Ambleteuse, Evening (1899) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
The Beach at Morgat (1904) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Boulogne-sur-Mer (1899) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on panel
Cap Bénat, Pine on the Coast (1914) Private collection Painting - oil on paper
Cloudy Sky over the Harbour of Veere (1906) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on canvas
Costebelle (also known as Autumn) (1917) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Denise Marechal (1892) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Drawing Class at the Academy (1882) Private collection Painting - oil on panel
The Entrance to Monsour el Hay at Meknes, Marocco (1887) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Eucalyptus, at Saint-Tropez (1906) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
The Eucalyptus Tree on Road to Bormes (1911) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Fishing Boats in Boulogne (also known as Barques de pêche de Boulogne) (1900) Musée de l'Annonciade Painting - oil on panel
Fishing Flotilla from Arnemuiden (Zeelande) (1896) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Floraison jaune (1907) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Gale from the East (1905) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on canvas
The Garden of Felicien Rops at Essone (1910) Private collection Painting
Girl in Green (also known as Jeune fille en vert) (1892) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
In the Shade of the Pines (1905) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Lady in White (also known as Portrait of Madame Hélène Keller) (1907) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
The Lady with the Blue Hat (also known as The Lady Reading) (1900) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on canvas
Lemons in La Mortola (1921) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Les Baumelles (1924) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Miss Gertrude (1901) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
The Model (also known as Le modèle) (1907-1908) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Mrs. Schlumberger and her Daughter (1918) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
On the Jetty (1898) Bibliothèque royale de Belgique - Brussels Painting - watercolor
On the Terrace at Sevres (1886) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Opel Coast (1904) Private collection Painting
Peach Trees in Blossom, Cork Oaks and Goats (1917) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Persimmons, Roses and Mimosas (1911) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
The Pine at La Fossette (1919) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Pines at Cavaliere (3 Tree Trunks) (1905) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Pine trees near Cavalière (1904) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on canvas
Anthemis in Flower (1904) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Bathers at Cap Benat (1909) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Pine trees near Cavalière (1904) Kröller-Müller Museum Painting - oil on canvas
The Pink Ribbon (also known as Portrait of Sylvie Lacombe) (1890-1899) Private collection Painting - oil on board
Portrait of Madame Boivin and Her Daughter Pierrette (1919) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Portrait of the Little Denise Maréchal (1886) Private collection Painting - oil on board
A Ravine at St. Bread (Jersey) (1908) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
A Reading (1903) Museum voor Schone Kunsten - Ghent Painting - oil on canvas
 Self Portrait by Theo van Rysselberghe
St. Clair (1917) Private collection Painting - oil on cardboard
Tea in the Garden (1903) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Veere (Holland): October Mists (1906) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Villas Viewed throuth Eucalyptus Trees, La Mortola (1919-1921) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
White Peonies (1913) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Woman in the Mirror (1906) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Woman with Red Necklace (also known as La femme au collier rose) (1907) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Yellow Roses, Persimmons and Mimosas (1911) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Young Girl in a Straw Hat Theo van Rysselberghe (1901) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Young Woman on the Sandy Shore Theo van Rysselberghe (1901) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Vines in October (also known as La Vigne en octobre) (1912) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas
Channel Coast (1892) National Gallery London Painting - oil on canvas
The Violinist (1903) Private collection Painting - oil on canvas

Moonlight Night in Boulogne Private collection

Theophile Van Rysselberghe 1862. 11. 23 벨기에 헨트-1926. 12. 13 프랑스 망슈 생클레르 벨기에의 신인상주의 화가 벨기에의 화가이자 조각가, 도안가였던 리셀베르그는 신인상주의를 신봉하는 벨기에 화가들 가운데 앙리 반 드 벨드와 함께 중요한 위치를 차지했다. 1886년에 조르주 쇠라를 만나게 된 리셀베르그는 쇠라의 작품 가운데 특히 '그랑드자트 섬의 일요일 오후' (Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte, 1884-86)를 접한 뒤 큰 영향을 받았다. 리셀베르그의 작품은 광학 이론에 따른 신인상주의 양식에 기반을 두었다. 신인상주의 회화 양식의 특징은 주위에 있는 실물을 빛과 광학을 통해 충실하게 재창조하는 것이다.

Affair to Remember, Ernesto Cortazar

2019. 8. 26. Crcamrose
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