
[스크랩] Eloise Harriet Stannard (1829-1915) / 익어가는 마을

창포49 2010. 9. 19. 18:35



Eloise Harriet

English painter
born 1829 - died 1915 



 Peaches, Grapes And A Pineapple In A Basket, On A Stone Ledge
Oil on canvas, 1878
x 15 inches (45.7 x 38.1 cm)
Private collection






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열매가 익어가네

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고요한 기도


너도 나도 익어서

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익어가는 마을      . . . . .     이해인




 Plums On A Table In A Glass Bowl
Oil on canvas
10 x 12
inches (25.5 x 33 cm)
Private collection




 Strawberries On A Cabbage Leaf
Oil on canvas, 1893
9 x 12 inches (22.9 x 30.5 cm)
Private collection




 Still Life With Pears, Plums In A Glass BowlAnd White Currants On A Table
Oil on canvas
10 x 14 inches (25.4 x 35.6 cm)
Private collection



Fruits on a tray with a silver flagon on a marble ledge
Oil on canvas
63.3 x 76.2 cm
(24.92" x 30")
Private collection



Fruit Painted from Nature
Oil On Canvas
76 x 71.5 cm
(29.92" x 28.15")
Private collection









































 Carnations in a glass vase on a draped marble ledge
Oil on canvas, 1881
15 x 18
inches (38.4 x 46.4 cm)
Private collection




Autumn Song, Bill Douglas







2010.9.18. Creamrose







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