
Music I Heard /Conrad Aiken

창포49 2010. 8. 8. 17:36






    Music I Heard    그대와 함께 듣던 음악       콘래드 에이컨  Conrad Aiken






    Music I heard with you was more than music,  그대와 함께 듣던 음악 예사 음악 아니었고 
    And bread I broke with you was more than bread;    그대와 함께 뜯던 빵 예사 음식 아니었네
    Now that I am without you, all is desolate;  이제 그대 내곁에 없어 온갖 만사 쓸쓸하네 
    All that was once so beautiful is dead.   한때 그리 아름답던 것들 죄다 가고 말았기에 

    Your hands once touched this table and this silver,   이 식탁 이 식기에 한때 그의 손길 갔었고
    And I have seen your fingers hold this glass.  이 잔 쥐었던 그대 손가락 눈 앞에 선하네 
    These things do not remember you, beloved,  이들이, 그리운 이여, 어찌 그댈 생각 할까마는 
    And yet your touch upon them will not pass.  이들에 남은 그대 손길 사라지지 않으리

    For it was in my heart that you moved among them,  내 맘속에서 그대 저들 사이 돌아다니며 
    And blessed them with your hands and with your eyes;  손길과 눈으로 저들 축복해 주었기 때문 
    And in my heart they will remember always, 그러니 저들 내 맘속에서 늘 그댈 기억하리 
    —They knew you once, O beautiful and wise.  한때 그댈 알았음을, 아름답고 슬기로운 그대를 


Conrad Aiken

1899 - 1973

Conrad Aiken
Conrad Aiken

Conrad Aiken's early years in Savannah, Georgia, were full of fear based on beatings by his father, a physician who became so paranoid that he shot his wife and then himself to death. Conrad, their twelve year-old son, heard the shots and discovered their bodies.

His uncle, a Harvard librarian, cared for him when he went to school in Concord, where he edited the school magazine and then attended Harvard College, where he and T.S. Eliot began a lifelong friendship. Aiken was so shy that he left college early rather than accept the honor of being the Class Poet.

His life was devoted to writing and living on a small inheritance in the United Kingdom and the United States. Along with his legacy of poetry, prose, and fiction, he wrote a fictionalized autobiography, Ushant. Sigmund Freud spoke of his Great Circle as a masterpiece of analytical interpretation. Among his many honors were a National Medal for Literature and a National Book Award. All three children of his marriage in 1812 to Jessie MacDonald, a Canadian, became writers.

Conrad Potter Aiken  (1889-1973)

      미국의 시인 소설가. 조지아주 서버너에서 태어났다

      하바드 대학 다닐때는 T.S 엘리엇의 급우 였다

      1914년 시집 earth trumphant 로 등단 한다

      1930년  selected poems 로 퓰리처 상을 수상했다

      1958년 미국 학술원상 1969년에 전미문학훈장을 받았다

      모더니스트 시인들과 교유하며 그들의 영향을 많이 받았으나

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