
[스크랩] Lesser Ury (1861–1931) / 그리움

창포49 2018. 10. 13. 20:29

Leo Lesser Ury

German-Jewish Impressionist painter and printmaker

November 7, 1861 – October 18, 1931

Ladies Leaving the Cab
Private collection

거리만이 그리움을 낳는 건 아니다
아무리 네가 가까이 있어도 너는
충분히 실컷 가깝지 않았었다

더욱 더욱 가깝게

 거리만이 아니라 모든 게

의식까지도 가깝게 가고 싶었던 것이다


그리움        . . . . . . . . . .        전혜린 (田惠麟, 1934-1965, 대한민국 수필가, 번역 문학가)

Berlin Street in Late Fall
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Private collection
Drawing - pastel

 Am Kurfürstendamm
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Strolling in the Forest
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Alexanderplatz, Berlin
Private collection

Autumnal Brook Landscape in the Evening Light
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Autumn Mood on Grunewaldsee

Berlin at Night
Private collection
Drawing - charcoal

Berlin Seascape in the Evening Light
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Berlin Street at Night
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Berlin street in early spring
Private collection

Evening street scene with figures, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

그리움과 먼 곳으로 훌훌 떠나 버리고 싶은 갈망

비하만의 시구(詩句)처럼

'식탁을 털고 나부끼는 머리를 하고' 아무곳이나 떠나고 싶은 것이다

먼 곳에의 그리움(Fernweh)!

모르는 얼굴과 마음과 언어 사이에서 혼자이고 싶은 마음

텅 빈 위(胃)와 향수를 안고

돌로 포장된 음습한 길을 거닐고 싶은 욕망

아무튼 낯익은 곳이 아닌 다른 곳

모르는 곳에 존재하고 싶은 욕구가 항상 나에게는 있다

전혜린 (田惠麟, 1934-1965, 대한민국 수필가, 번역문학가)

Berlin Street in the Sunshine
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Berlin Street with Cabs in the Rain
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Boulevard in Paris
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Café Bauer
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Charing Cross, London
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

The Coast of Rügen
Alte Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Drawing - pastel

Dutch Village
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Dutch Village with Washing Woman
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Evening at Café Bauer
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Evening mood on a lake in Grunewald
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

The Fence
(also known as Farmyard with Well)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Galerie im Café Vaterland am Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Gargenlichtung am Zaun
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Grunewaldsee, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Herbstlandschaft (Mark Brandenburg)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

 In Front of the Cafe
(also known as Berlin at Night)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Interior with Woman at the Piano
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Italian Shore
(also known as Italian Landscape)
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Lady and Gentleman in a Café
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Lake Garda with Mount Baldo
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Lake in Mark Brandenburg
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Landscape at Sunset
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Leipzig Street
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Mother and Child in a Street Crossing
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Motiv vom Schlachtensee
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Newspaper Reader at the Café
(also known as Gentleman at a Coffee House)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Night Lights
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Nocturnal Street Scene
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Nocturnal Street Scene
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Nollendorfplazt at Night
Alte Nationalgalerie - Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
Painting - oil on canvas

   On Lake Garda
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Parisian boulevard at night
Lesser Ury (1880-1881)
Painting - oil on board

Paris, Rainy Day at the Quai Voltaire
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Paris, Sunrise
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Rainy Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on board

The Red Carpet
Israel Museum

Rocks at Capri
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

The Sewing Machine
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Street Scene with Woman, Berlin
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Stroller in Tiergarten
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Sunset over the Grunewaldsee
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Thames Bridges in the Twilight
(also known as London Bridge)
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Tiergarten Avenue with Siegessäule
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Tiergarten, Berlin
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

The Tiergarten, Berlin
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Traffic Jam at Potsdamer Platz
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Two Girls walking along the Street
Painting - oil on canvas

Unter den Linden
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

View over Nollendorfplatz
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Village Road at the Edge of the Forest
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Waterloo Bridge Emerging in the Sunlight
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Tiergarten Walkway in Autumn
Private collection

Unter den Linden in the Rain
Private collection
Drawing - pastel

Rainy Day in London, Thames Port
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

Unter den Linden after the Rain
Private collection
Painting - oil on canvas

차이코프스키 (Peter Ilyich Tchaikovsky), 사계 작품37 10번 가을의 노래
Octobre - Chant D'automne
Denis Matsuev, piano - Vladimir Ashkenazy, piano

Self-Portrait with Brush and Palette
Lesser Ury - 1910

오늘날 폴란드 땅인 비른바움(Birnbaum)에서 제빵 마이스터의 아들로 태어난 그는 12살이 되던 해에

베를린으로 이사했고 18세인 1879년부터 1880년 까지 뒤셀도르프 쿤스트 아카데미에서 회화 전공으로 수학한다.

이후 브뤼셀에서 학업을 마친 파리로 건너가 프랑스 화가들과 교류를 이어가며 값진 예술적 경험을 한다.

1887년 부터 다시 베를린으로 돌아와 활동할 이미 베를린 예술계의 최고 권위를 가졌던

아돌프 멘첼(Adolph von Menzel) 추천으로 베를린 미술 아카데미의 장학금을 받을 정도로 실력을 인정받았다.

이후 로비 스코린트 하여금 베를린 분리파(Munich Secession) 회원이 된다.

19 세기의 마지막 몇 년 동안 독일과 오스트리아에서 진보적인 예술가들에 의해 형성된 몇 개의 분리주의 중

하나이다. 그의 작품은 교외풍경, 도시 풍경 및 실내 장면으로, 어두운 실내의 차분한 색조에서 밤의 가로등

효과에 이르기까지 인상파적 방식으로 처리되었으며 눈부신 빛을 표현한다. 

Ury는 특히 밤의 카페 장면과 비오는 거리의 그림으로 유명하다.  

2018. 10. 11. Creamrose


출처 : ♣ 이동활의 음악정원 ♣
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