
Boston Museum of Fine Arts (1)

창포49 2012. 7. 18. 23:26



'음악 ' 카테고리의 다른 글




Boston Museum of Fine Arts (1)





Peter Paul Rubens
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on panel






Abbott Handerson Thayer
Boston Museum of Fine Arts






El Greco (1609)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Peter Paul Rubens (1622-1623)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Nicolas Poussin (1626-1628)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Diego Velázquez (1631)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Rembrandt van Rijn (1632)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on board






Jean-Antoine Watteau (1718)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Jan Steen (1662)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






John Singleton Copley (1758)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Rembrandt van Rijn (1634)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts






Frans Hals (1660-1666)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






John Singleton Copley (1761)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






John Singleton Copley (1763)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






John Singleton Copley (1764)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






George Romney (1772-1773)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts






Francisco Jose de Goya y Lucientes (1785)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Charles Willson Peale (1787)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Ralph Earl (1794)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Washington Allston (1819)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas






Washington Allston (1818)
Boston Museum of Fine Arts
Painting - oil on canvas





편집 2012/07/18    /창포






비제 - 교향곡 제1번 C장조 (프랑스 국립 방송 관현악단 & 지휘 - 토마스 비첨 경) ...   (0) 2012.07.21
운하 / The Canal   (0) 2012.07.19
드뷔시 / ♬아라베스크 제1번 (Arabesque No.1 in E major)|  (0) 2012.07.17
베토벤 - 피아노 트리오 제3번 C단조 (세라핀 트리오) ...  (0) 2012.07.16
차이코프스키,1840 ~ 1893 // 교향곡 제4번 F단조 Op.36   (0) 2012.07.15