
[스크랩] 아름다운 피아노 연주곡 모음

창포49 2011. 7. 12. 18:30



Giedrius Varnas 


Tributary by Giedrius Varnas



Light by Giedrius Varnas




Reed and lights by Giedrius Varnas




 Tree line by Giedrius Varnas 

Flowers by Giedrius Varnas




by correia emmanuel 




Convergence by Giedrius Varnas


Swans by Giedrius Varnas


Path to the Trees by Giedrius Varnas


Path to the Trees by Giedrius Varnas


Boats by Giedrius Varnas

   아름다운 피아노 연주곡 모음 
1. Beethoven - Bagatelle in Aminor,WoO 59(Fur Elise)
2. Mozart - Piano SonataNo.11 in Amajor,K.331-Rondo alla turca
3. Mozart - Piano Concerto No.21inCmajor,K.467
   (Elvira Madigan)-Second movement-Andante
4. Schubert - Impromptu in A flatmajor,Op.90,No.4
5. Tchaikovsky - Piano Concerto No.1 in B flat minor,Op.23-
    Allegro non troppo e molto maestoso-Allegro con spirito(excerpt)
 6. Debussy-Suite bergamasque-Claire de lune
7. Chopin - Polonaisein A flatmajor,Op.53(Heroic)
8 .Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.14 in C sharp minor,Op.27,No.2(Moonlight)-
9. Schumann - Kinderszenen, Op.15(Children's Scenes)-No.7:Traumerei 
10. Grieg - Piano Concerto in Aminor,Op.16-First movement:Allegro molto moderato
11. Bach - Aria with 30Variations,BWV988 (The Goldberg Variations)-Aria No.1
12. Bach - Aria with 30 Variations,BWV 988 (The Goldberg Variations)-Variation1
13. Bach - Aria with 30 Variations,BWV 988(The Goldberg Variations)-Variation3
14. Bach - Aria with 30 Variations,BWV 988(The Goldberg Variations)-Variation13
15.Bach - Aria with 30 Variations,BWV 988(The Goldberg Variations)-Variation29 
16. Debussy - Preludes-Footsteps in the Snow
17. Chopin - Grande valse brillante in E flatmajor,Op.18
18. Chopin - Prelude in Dflat major,Op.28,No.15(Raindrops)
19. Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.14 in Csharpminor,Op.27,No.2(Moonlight)-
     First movement:Adagio sostenuto
20. .Chopin - Impromptu in C sharp minor,Op.66(Fantaisie Impromptu)
21. Rachmaninov - Prelude in Gminor,Op.23,No.5
22. Mozart - Piano Sonata No.15 in C minor,K.545-Firstmovement:Allegro
23. Debussy - Engravings-Gardens in the Rain
24. Bach - Keyboard Concerto No.3 in Dmajor,BWV 1054-
     Second movement:Adagio e piano sempre
25. Beethoven - Piano Sonata No.12 in Aflat major,Op.26(Funeral March)-
     First movement:Andante con variazioni
26. .Mozart - Piano Concerto No.24 in Cminor,K.491-Second movement:Larghetto
27. Chopin - Nocturnein D flat major,Op.27,No.2
28. Mendelssolin - Lieder ohne Worte heft 6,Op.67-No.4:Spinnerlied
29. Falla - Nights in the Gardenso fSpain,
     SymphonieImpressions for Piano and Orchestra-In Generalife
30. Rachmaninov - Piano Concerto No.2 in Cminor,Op.18-
     First movement-Moderato
31. Rachmaninov - Prelude in Bminor,Op.32,No.10
32. Smetana - Memories of Pilsen
33. Debussy - Images-Reflets dansl'eau
34. Chopin - Waltz in D flatmajor,Op.64,No.1(Waltz by Minutes) 






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